HSC Application and Lottery Status
Once tenants apply, the applications are referred to application processors at partnering agencies. This process is fairly simple, but does take time.
How does HSC Rent and Utility Assistance Work?
Online Application
You do not need to understand this application process flow to apply for assistance. All you need to do to apply for assistance is fill out the application.
- The graphics below are intended to be helpful for tenants, landlords, agencies, and other stakeholders to understand how the application works.
- Application process is subject to change.

Additional Forms
The forms listed above are completed by the Douglas County Housing and Human Services department, application processors, and landlords. The only online form that landlords need to fill out is the Landlord Agreement which will be sent via email when a tenant applies and is approved for assistance.
The following types of documents may need to be attached to the online application.

Application Flow Charts


