Criminal Justice Services
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Phone: (785) 331-1300
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Phone: (785) 832-5220
Pretrial Supervision
Pretrial Supervision is one of Douglas County’s alternatives to incarceration programs. Douglas County Pretrial Supervision seeks to reduce incarceration rates due to a person’s inability to pay bond.

A pretrial release report, which includes recommended monitoring conditions, is provided to the Judge, district attorney and defense counsel.The recommendations for supervision are made by utilizing a risk assessment tool and scoring praxis developed from evidence based practices.Public safety, as well as a person’s appearance rate in court and criminal risk to reoffend are considered.The Pretrial Release stakeholder’s team, which includes members from the Douglas County judicial community, created the risk assessment and praxis used.The current Pretrial Supervision program has been in operation since October of 2017.
Pretrial Supervision reports are prepared daily (Monday – Friday) for individuals arrested within the previous 24 hours and remain in custody. Those reports are then reviewed by a Judge, who will make the final decision of release.An Adult Services Officer is present at the Douglas County Jail for first appearance hearings should pretrial supervision be approved.
Douglas County Pretrial Supervision Services offers monitoring by phone, in person, and electronic devices. If ordered, drug and alcohol testing may be completed.All services with Douglas County Pretrial Supervision are offered at no cost to the client.
Frequently Asked Questions
No. All services provided through the Douglas County pretrial release program are at no cost to the defendant, including electronic monitoring.
No, however, judges have discretion to order a cash or surety bond be posted as a condition of any pretrial release.
Yes. Douglas County offers a house arrest and electronic monitoring program. The program provides electronic monitoring at no cost to Douglas County residents, or as approved by the court. For more information on the house arrest program or to set up services, contact House Arrest at (785) 838-2478.
Bond and pretrial release are at the discretion of the Court. There are many reasons as to why a judge may choose to require that a cash or surety bond be posted for release. Since each case is unique, it is best to contact the defense counsel handling the case for more information.
Once charges have been filed by the District Attorney, defendants appear in court so a judge can determine whether the person needs to stay in jail, be released on bond or be placed on pretrial release supervision. These court appearances are held at 3 p.m. weekdays with the exception of federal holidays.
Release options:
Own Recognizance Bond – released without posting money and by signing a promise to appear.
Cash Only Bond – released by posting the entire bond amount in cash.
Surety Bond – released by posting a bond using a professional bonding company approved by the court.
Pretrial Release Program – released on own recognizance with conditions as ordered by the Court to be monitored by pretrial release services staff.
The program provides an alternative to incarceration for eligible defendants. Defendants are assessed to determine their risk of re-offending and the likelihood of returning to court. Judges decide who gets in the program and what level of supervision is required.
All defendants in pretrial status are eligible for the pretrial release program, however, a person may not initially qualify if they have one of the following; a probation violation warrant, parole hold, other city/county or state detainer, an Immigration and Customs Enforcement or Marshal Detainer or a failure to appear warrant.
If you have any questions, please contact our office.