Frequently Asked Questions

budget | Frequently Asked Questions

One mill is $1.00 per 1,000 of assessed valuation.  For a home that is valued at $200,000, the assessed value would be 11.5% or $23,000.  One mill would be $23 in tax dollars.

It is a tax based on value, or property tax. 

This is the taxable value of a property.  The rates used are set in the State Constitution.  For residential property it is 11.5%, commercial property is 25% and state assessed properties are 33.0%.

The county voters passed a 1.0% countywide sales tax in 1994.  The countywide sales tax goes to the county and cities based on formulas.  The main purpose of this tax for the county was to build a new jail and health facility, and to reduce ad valorem taxes.

The county follows a calendar year, January to December.

It is reserved as a carry-over to the next year.

The annual budget provides the county with expenditure authority and authority to levy taxes to finance the expenditures.  It provides a financial plan on how the expenditures will be spent, including personnel, contractual services, and capital expenditures.