Public Works
The Public Works Department maintains 224 miles of County roads, 158 bridges, 1,100 culverts, Lone Star Lake and seven County park sites.
The Operations Division provides road and bridge maintenance, road signage, roadside mowing and vegetation control, snow and ice removal, and park maintenance. The Operations Division also performs fleet maintenance for all County vehicles. The Engineering Division provides design, surveying, construction contracting and inspection, and permitting of work within road rights-of-way.
Current Road Closings
This interactive map shows road closures on county and township roads. Updates on unplanned road closures are made dynamically as supervisors report in.

Entrance Permits
Get information about entrances and access management, including maps, regulations and applications for permits.

County Parks
Douglas County Public Works helps to maintain several lakes and parks, including observation points, historic sites and nature reserves.
Documents and Forms